The Common Core and Bloom’s Taxonomy

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All students need to meet the new common core standards.  Here , each standard for literary text is fitted with Bloom’s taxonomy to provide assignments for students at different levels.  All students are working in the same standard, but completing different assignments to demonstrate their work in that standard.

Common Core Standards and Blooms Taxonomy Literacy Activities

CC LT 1: Cite textual evidence to support the analysis of explicit and implicit text information.

• Write what you remember about
• Identify these characters
• Describe what happens when
• When did
• Who was
• What is
• Write the personality characteristics of
• Explain what happens to
• How does
• Describe this character
• When did ___________________ happen
• How did _____________________ happen
• FYT: Write a bare bones sentence for each character, adding a predicate that fits.

• Explain how ________________ and _____________________ are similar
• Explain how ____________________ and __________________ are different
• In your own words, retell the events of the chapter
• What happened after
• Give some examples of
• If ______________________ is like ___________________, then ___________________ is like
• Describe each character
• Explain why _______________________ does
• Give an example of
• State the main idea of this paragraph
• What seems to be
• Classify the characters into positive and negative
• What would happen if
• What facts show
• FYT: Write a sentence with two SD’s and three PE’s that fits the facts of the chapter

• Which two characters are most alike and why
• Predict what will happen to_____________________ and give your reasons.
• Explain the consequences of ________________________’s decision to
• What explains ______________________’s behavior
• Predict what would happen if
• Identify the results of
• What would result if
• Change something about a character and describe the resulting change to the story
• What questions would you ask ________________________ in an interview and how would they answer
• FYT: Write a sentence predicting an event in the chapter. Use two SD’s and three PE’s.
• Rewrite a sentence from the chapter using two SD’s and three PE’s.

• If __________________________ does __________________________, then this will happen:
• What conclusions can you make about _____________________________
• Make a hypothesis about why _______________________________ acts in this way; provide facts to support your hypothesis.
• Find a solution to the conflict between ________________________ and ______________________ that allows the first character to suffer no consequences.
• Describe the relationship between _________________________ and _________________________. Provide two quotes to support your analysis.
• What enables ___________________________ to ___________________________?
• Who is the worst character in this chapter? Provide two quotes to support your decision.
• Who is the best character in this chapter? Provide two quotes to support your decision.
• List the problems facing _______________________. Suggest a realistic solution to each one.
• Compare ___________________________ and _______________________________. Explain why you found this thing in common.
• Write three facts and three opinions about the characters.
• Choose _____ quotes from this chapter and type the quotes with PPL’s. Explain why each quote you picked is important/how it affects the chapter as a whole.
• State the point of view of _____________________________. Support/defend that character’s point of view with evidence from the story.
• Why do you think….Provide facts to support your answer.
• What is ______________________’s motive. Provide facts to support your answer.
• Distinguish between ________________________________ and _____________________________. Provide facts to support your answer.
• FYT: Choose your favorite character and write a paragraph about them using SD’s and PE’s. Explain what you like about this character.

• Choose a new title for this chapter. Explain your reasons for this new title.
• Devise your own plan to deal with the conflicts in this chapter. Explain who would enact this plan and why it would work. The plan cannot bring any negative consequences to the character using this plan.
• Propose an anti-bullying policy for CVS. What would its rules and consequences be?
• FYT: Write a paragraph in which you change an antagonist into a protagonist. Explain how the character would change and how the plot would change as a result. Use SD’s and PE’s in your paragraph.
• Rank the characters from best to worst. Provide three quotes to support your ranking of each.
• Predict the outcome of the book. Provide facts from the book to support your opinion.
• What is the worst, least excusable action in the book and who performs this action. Support your opinion.
• What is the best, most kind action in the book and who performs this action. Support your opinion.
• Write the quote you feel is the most important in this chapter. Explain.
• What event affects the rest of this book the most? Explain.
• Do you agree with ___________________________’s choice to…explain.
• Defend the actions of _______________________. Provide reasons to support.
• What choice would you have made in the same position as _________________________ and why.
• Based on what you know, how can you explain ________________________________.

CC LT 2: Determine a theme or central idea and how it is conveyed through details.

• Write the main idea of this paragraph.
• List five main ideas in this chapter.
• Rewrite this quote in your own words.
• Find the details that support the main idea of _________________________ in this paragraph.
• Find the details that support the theme of _____________________________ in this chapter.
• Write a sentence or paragraph with ________________________ as its main idea.
• Explain ______ connections between this chapter and other books, movies, or personal life events you have experienced.

• Compare the main ideas of these two paragraphs or chapters.

• Write a paragraph that details the main idea of _________________________.
• Write a poem or short anecdote that has the theme of ______________________.

• Identify the theme of this chapter and provide the details from this chapter that support the theme. Explain why these details support the theme the most.
• Choose details that demonstrate _________________________.
• Explain which chapter demonstrates the theme of ____________________________ the best.

CC LT 3: Give a summary of details.

• Explain what happens after….
• When did…
• List the main characters found in this chapter.
• List three events from this chapter.
• Name the characteristics of….

• Retell the events of this chapter in your own words.
• Tell how these two characters are the same or different.
• Give some examples of _______________________ being ______________________.
• Describe a character with details.
• Give an example of ___________________________.
• Restate this paragraph in your own words.

• FYT: Rewrite the events of this paragraph in a FYT sentence using two SD’s and three PE’s.

• What is implied in this sentence or paragraph?
• List the facts and opinions on this page.
• The most important detail in this paragraph/page is ___________________ because….

• Choose three details from this paragraph or page and write your own fictional paragraph using these.
• FYT: Write a FYT sentence using three details from this paragraph/page.
• Create a Right There, Pull It Together, Implied, and Outside the Text Question for this chapter.

• Choose the three most important details in this paragraph. Explain why they are the most important. Provide PPLs with the details.

CC LT 4: Describe plot segments and how characters change as the plot progresses.

• Which character changes the most during the story?
• When does the story change so that the main character is doing better?

• In your own words, explain how Russell solves the main problem of the story.
• Explain what happens to _______________________ after they….
• Give some examples of how a character changes during the story. Be specific.

• Predict how a character will change as a result of_______________________.
• Predict how the plot will be affected by __________________________.

• Choose the character that you believe has changed the most during the novel. Describe the way they have changed. Select quotes from the beginning and end of the book to support your description of these changes.
• Trace the progression of the plot. Describe what events have occurred in the introduction of the conflict, the building of the conflict, the peak of the conflict, and the resolution of the conflict.

• Choose one event in the plot to take out or change. Explain how this change would affect the rest of the story and the development of the characters.

• Explain whether you are satisfied with the way the conflict is resolved. What changes might you make?
• Explain whether you are satisfied with the events of this chapter. Make one change and explain how this would affect the plot and characters.

CC LT 5: Determine the meaning of words and phrases.

• Define the following words….

• Define the following words and use each in a FYT sentence.

• Replace the verb in each sentence with the supplied verb and explain how the meaning of the sentence is changed.

• Explain the effect of the author’s use of the underlined phrase or word on the reader.

• Rewrite the following sentences as FYT sentences. Rewrite them, moving PE’s around.

• What is the most important word in the following sentences? Explain your choice.

CC LT 6: Determine the figurative meaning of words and phrases.

• List the dinosaurs Elliot mentions.

• List the dinosaurs Elliot mentions. Explain what type of person each represents and why.

• List the dinosaurs Elliot mentions. Explain what type of person each represents. Explain what type of dinosaur each character in the book is.

• List the dinosaurs Elliot mentions. Explain what type of person each represents. Explain what type of dinosaur each character in the book is.

• Choose a metaphor for yourself (Elliot uses dinosaurs). Explain the metaphor and why it suits you.

• Why is Doug Wilhelm’s dinosaur metaphor effective? Choose another metaphor that would work as effectively and explain why it would work.

CC LT 7: Analyze the effect of word choice on meaning or tone and CC LT 8: Analyze how a sentence contributes to theme, setting, or plot.

• Find a sentence or paragraph in this chapter that describes the setting well. Type it out.

• Find a sentence or paragraph in this chapter that describes the setting well. Type it out and explain which words are most descriptive and why.

• Find a paragraph in this chapter that you think communicates the theme of bullying well. Explain why you chose this paragraph.

• Choose a sentence in this chapter that you think communicates something about bullying. Change a few words in the sentence to change the meaning. Explain how your changes affect the meaning of the sentence.

• Write a FYT sentence about a character that captures their personality. Explain how your sentence communicates well.

• Choose a paragraph from this chapter. Type it out and explain why the paragraph works. Does the author really capture the conflict here? Describe the character perfectly? Increase suspense? Be specific about word choice and its effect on you as the reader.

CC LT 9 Explain how an author develops the point of view of the narrator or speaker.

• Find a sentence in this chapter that reveals how Russell is feeling. Type out the sentence. Explain what the sentence communicates.

• Find a paragraph in this chapter that reveals how Russell is feeling. Type out the paragraph. Explain what the paragraph communicates.

• Find a dialogue between two characters in a conflict in this chapter. Choose a sentence for each character that shows their unique point of view. Type the sentences out. Explain what point of view is communicated by each sentence.

• This novel is about bullying, but also about standing up for yourself. Find a paragraph in this chapter where a character is standing up for themselves against someone else. Select the words/phrases that help them. Explain how each word or phrase helps them.

• Choose two characters from the novel. Write a 100 word dialogue between them that shows their differing points of view.

• Choose the character whose point of view you believe is the most valid. Explain why this person is the most “right” in the book.

CC IT 4 Analyze in detail how a key idea is introduced and elaborated in the text.

• Find the main idea of a paragraph in the bullying article. List two ideas that build on this main idea.

• Explain the main idea of the bullying article. List three sub-arguments and two details that elaborate each sub-argument.

• Choose an idea in the article on bullying and write a letter to Russell explaining what advice the article gives.

• Compare the main ideas in the article on bullying with the plans Russell and his friends are using to combat bullying. Explain which plan you like better and why.

• Write a 200 word response to the article. Describe the arguments or points the author makes and why you do or do not agree with these arguments or points.

• Write a 150 word evaluation of the bullying article. Explain which idea is the best developed and why and which idea is the least developed and why you think this.

8 responses to “The Common Core and Bloom’s Taxonomy

  1. Pingback: The Most Useful Resources For Implementing Common Core — I Hope You’ll Contribute More | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…

  2. Pingback: Not-so-taxing Taxonomy for t « Classroom Chronicle

  3. Pingback: This Week’s “Links I Should Have Posted About, But Didn’t” | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…

  4. Pingback: The Best Resources For Helping Teachers Use Bloom’s Taxonomy In The Classroom | Larry Ferlazzo’s Websites of the Day…

  5. Cecily Okumoto Menezes

    What do FYT, SD, PE, CVS, and PPL mean?

  6. Cecily Okumoto Menezes

    Thanks for the reply. This works much better than trying to figure them out with the chances of errors.

  7. Thank you so much for this article, im new to teaching (and to bloom) and this helped me alot with planning.

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